

If you are here, you are likely searching for solutions for issues you are having with your new baby, especially challenges with eating, sleeping, inconsolable crying, colic, obvious asymmetries, digestive issues and more. Bodywork for babies includes different modalities such as massage, craniosacral therapy, fascial release, Pediatric Functional Bowen work, osteopathic manual manipulation, chiropractic, pediatric physical therapy, occupational therapy, healing touch, stretches and more. The premise behind physical forms of therapy for babies is that something in their body is restricting movement, causing pain, or impeding optimal functioning of their body for feeding, sleeping and settling.

The bodyworkers on this website are trained in a variety of modalities. Check their professional training and experience for a best fit for your family.

We hold a Free Clinic the fourth Friday of each month, from 1 pm - 5 pm.  It is held at the Sentara Martha Jefferson Outpatient Care Center, 595 Martha Jefferson Dr. Charlottesville, VA 22911. The Clinic is held in the 3rd Floor Community Education Room.

Tummy Time class at this week's Free Clinic!

​A PPNCenter and CvilleBabyBodywork video:

Sleep and your Baby

Join us as Kate White and Dr. Hannah Marshall answer questions about sleep for infants, babies, children and families. With Heather Zivkovich. Recorded at the monthly CvilleBabyBodyWork free clinic held the second Friday of each month.

On YouTube: 

​A PPNCenter and CvilleBabyBodywork video:

Let's Talk about Car Seat Restraint

A 30-minute workshop: Learn tips to strategize helping baby feel secure and safe while being restrained and separated.

On YouTube: 

 About Baby Bodywork

We begin with the birth story and structural assessment.  Babies can be predisposed to feeling stuck in their bodies with limited movement in their musculature from different in utero and birth experiences. 

Any of these experiences can influence the need for bodywork:

Structural assessment is visual and the practitioner will gently move the baby's arms and legs.

We assess for:


What Can I Expect?

Practitioners will have their unique ways of intake. Commonly, we have intake forms and informed consent. Babies do not need to be undressed. The whole family is often comforted and helped. 

How Many Sessions Will I Need?

We commonly recommend 3 sessions for treatment, but often just one will help.

What are the fees?

Fees range from $75 - $175 per session depending on the practitioner