Meet Us
Experienced, compassionate, baby and family oriented bodyworkers
Laura Bodian OTR/L, SEP, BCST
Laura has been an occupational therapist for over 25 years, and has extensive experience in gentle hands-on and energetic bodywork for moms and babies. She received her undergraduate degree from Brown University and Master of Science in Occupational Therapy from Boston University. Her in-depth study continued throughout her OT career, including a wide range of occupational therapy and advanced bodywork training. Laura has a passion for deepening mom-baby connections and helping babies get off to the best start possible in life. Her therapeutic approach supports comforting, feeding, digestion, and sleep, and lays the foundation for healthy growth and development.
• Occupational Therapist, 1998 board certification, 2018 Virginia license
• Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist, 2017 certification
• Somatic Experiencing Practitioner, 2012 certification
• Castellino Prenatal and Birth Therapy
• TummyTime! Method
• Myofascial Release
• Infant Massage
Where to find Laura
3054 Berkmar Drive, Suite B
Charlottesville, VA 22901
Phone: (828) 776-6505
Meet Laura! Here's a very short video introduction to Laura and her work:
Dr. Rachael Carreon PT, DPT
Dr. Rachael Carreon received her Doctorate in Physical Therapy from Daemen College in Buffalo, New York. She and her family have called Charlottesville home since 2019. She has nearly 10 years of experience, and has specialized in pediatrics and neuro-rehabilitation across a variety of medical settings. She has always loved working with children, specifically infants with torticollis, plagiocephaly, body tension, oral ties, and gross motor delays.
Rachael believes that every child should be granted the opportunity to maximize their potential. She is passionate about helping parents feel confident in their ability to help their baby excel with their motor skills throughout those critical first years of life.
Foundations Pediatric Therapy and Wellness began in order to optimize treatment for your little one. Dr. Rachael is focused on educating parents through hands-on experiences that will help them foster their baby's motor development through private therapy sessions and class-based services. Therapy sessions are individualized for your child’s specific needs.
• Infant Development specialist
• Tongue and lip ties
• Myofascial release
• Body tension
• Torticollis & flat head syndrome
Where to find Rachael
Fax: (434) 212-3866
Sue Bovenizer CMT, CST
Sue Bovenizer is a natural health therapist specializing in Aromatherapy Massage and CranioSacral Therapy. Her other modalities include SER/dialoguing with the cells of the body and the glial system of the brain, Visceral Manipulation, Instructional TMJ Release work, Reiki (Master level), and has a special interest in Infant and Pediatric CST. Sue maintains a practice in Charlottesville, Virginia.
• ABMP Certified Massage Therapist 1994-present
• Member NCBTMB 2001
• VA Board of Nursing Certified
• Certified CranioSacral Therapist, Upledger Institute
• Certified Integral Yoga Teacher
Where to find Sue
3317 Berkmar Drive Suite 7
Charlottesville, VA 22936
Phone: 434-984-0764
Dr. Hannah Marshall PT, DPT
Hannah Marshall has her doctorate in physical therapy with vast experience from her time in acute care and outpatient pediatric settings. She offers in-home physical therapy services for children ages 0-15 years old. Hannah believes in combining experience, research, and parent involvement to establish individualized treatment plans for each child.
Working in a child’s environment helps tailor goals that align with their daily life. It maximizes a child’s participation and provides caregivers the opportunity to implement treatment strategies.
A few of the diagnoses she sees include gross motor delay, balance and coordination deficits, torticollis, muscle imbalances, idiopathic toe walking, and post operative rehabilitation.
Hannah offers free phone consultations and is available to answer questions via email or phone if you are unsure whether your child could benefit from physical therapy.
Where to find Hannah
Phone: 434-996-0681
Instagram: @crozetpedspt
Video: Dr. Hannah Marshall talks about toys for tummy time and other playtimes with baby.
Cynthia Hatton
Dr. Cynthia has been a chiropractor and craniosacral therapist for 24 years. She is passionate about helping infants release tension in the nervous system and soft tissues from birth (traumatic or not) that can cause issues such as:
Problems latching
Trouble sleeping
Excessive crying
...and more
She incorporates gentle chiropractic treatments with craniosacral and dynamic body balancing (DBB- myofascial release) in her practice.
Certified Craniosacral Therapist (Upledger)
Certified in DBB technique
Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, Nutritional Therapy Association
ICPA - Extensive studies in perinatal, postnatal and pediatrics
Baby Diploma program with Dr. Jonathan Evans
Where to find Cynthia
Phone: 434-218-2221
Dr. Jennifer Prax
Dr. Jennifer Prax earned her Doctor of Chiropractic degree cum laude from Life Chiropractic College West in 1996. What's unique about 'Dr. Jennifer' is that she EXCLUSIVELY works with children and pregnant moms -meaning THAT'S ALL SHE DOES. She is certified in CranioSacral Therapy through the Upledger Institute, has completed a 120-hour post-graduate clinical training program in Cranial Osteopathy with International Instructor and Practitioner, Dr. Dennis Hertenstein, and has had direct clinical training with Dr. Carol Phillips, National lecturer, Author, publisher and Instructor on Cranio-Sacral Therapy for Infants, Children and Pregnancy for the practicing Chiropractor.
Dr. Prax became board certified in Chiropractic Pediatrics in 2001 by the International Chiropractor's Association Council on Chiropractic Pediatrics. She completed the 3-year, 360-hour pediatrics postgraduate program through Palmer Chiropractic College. Dr. Prax joined an elite group of fewer than 100 Doctors of Chiropractic (at that time) in the U.S. and Canada to obtain this post-graduate credential.
Dr. Prax is committed to maintaining clinical excellence for the children and pregnant women under her care facilitating and honoring the innate self-healing powers within each of her patients. In addition to serving her patients in her office, Dr. Prax attends homebirths, providing support and specialty care for the laboring mother and newborn infant. Dr. Jennifer is actively involved in the community and offers lectures and professional consults to Birthing Groups, Mom/Parent Organizations, Lactation Consultants, midwives, nurses, health practitioners, child care workers, teachers, parents and classrooms on the safety and efficacy of Chiropractic Care and CranioSacral Therapy for infants, children and the pregnant woman.
Where to find Dr. Prax
Charlottesville Family Chiropractic
300 Hickman Road, Ste 301
Charlottesville, VA 22911
Phone: 434-977-5433
Kate White is an award-winning educator and an advanced bodyworker trained in somatic therapies, prenatal and perinatal health, lactation, brain development, infant mental health, and has specialized in mother-baby dyad care using somatic prevention and trauma healing approaches for nearly 20 years. She is a mother of two children, holds a BA and MA in Communication, is a Registered Craniosacral Therapist in the Biodynamic Craniosacral method and a Somatic Experiencing® Practitioner. Her work combines somatic therapy with brain development to help give families with babies and small children the best possible start.
• Board Certified Massage Therapist
• Certified Prenatal and Perinatal Massage Therapist
• Certified Educator of Infant Massage
• Registered Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist
• Castellino Family Practitioner
• Advanced lactation training, including lactation counseling
• Somatic Experiencing Practitioner
• Polarity Life Counselor
• Co-Creator, Integrated Prenatal and Perinatal Dynamics
• Co-Creator, Treating Babies Diploma Program
• Experienced baby bodyworker with many years training and practice
• Somatic trauma resolution practitioner
• Prenatal and perinatal somatics practitioner
• Specialization in working with birth trauma
Where to find Kate
Belvedere Healing Arts
103 Caty Ln.
Charlottesville, VA 22901
Phone: 434-996-2002
This is part of a documentary about working with babies from the perspective of baby bodyworker Kate White and many of her clients. This segment is an interview with Alyssa Hansen about working with her baby, Verity.